Welcome to the home page of Dice Rolling System.


General presentation

Dice Rolling System version 2 (dice2) is a complete C library to roll dices, handling complex dice code parsing and evalution, syntax tree building from dice code strings, and a fuzzy logic-powered engine to estimate outcomes of dice rolls.

It is Free Software, available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, or, at your option, any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation. You're welcome to submit comments, ideas, patches, bug reports to kilobug@freesurf.fr.

It contains:

API overview

Functions available from both C and Python libraries include:

Supported games

Dice2 handles basic dice rolls (3d8 or similar), keeping the best results of a pool of dice (4.3b6 to keep the 3 best of a pool of 4), keeping the nth result (4.3n6 to keep the 3rd result (starting from the smaller)), unlimited die rolls (rerolling and adding as long as the result is close enough to the maxmimal possible one) and the special rules of the following games: Rolemaster, World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, ...), Ars Magica, INS/MV, Arkeos. If you want to submit a patch to support a new dice rolling method, feel free to. If you want to add a new dice rolling method but don't know how to hack, or don't have the time to, feel free to ask me, I'll try to add it by myself.


By downloading and using dice2 or pydice, you accept to the follow the rules of the GNU General Public License version 2, or, at your option, any later version as published by the Free Sotfware Foundation. Basically, it means you can use it, distribute it, change it, and distribute changed versions as you wish, if you grant to other users the same freedom you were granted at first. I remind you that this software is provided as is, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



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